Wednesday, January 20, 2021

School Workshop


 School Workshops


School Education Packs

We have limited capacity to run workshops at the schools, so please contact us as soon as possible if you would like one of our volunteer-led workshops.  Links for the workshop are attached below if you would rather run them yourselves.  The Sustainable Fashion workshops can also be provided via Teams.

All the workshops listed above will be available on request as teaching packs which includes the lesson plan, ppt presentation and supporting video links.

Please let us know if you would be interested in any of these workshops and formats by contacting

We would like the input from schools to remain an essential part of the TINPB programme and if you think there is any way we could assist you to participate in these workshops please do let us know.

2023-2024 Workshop Topics
  1. Plastic Pollution (the title says it all!): Years 3 & 4

  2. Ocean health (covering: plastic pollution, ocean acidification, rising sea levels and more): Years 5 & 6

  3. Food for life (industrial farming v organic, local produce, compassion in farming, food miles): Years 4 to 5

  4. Climate Change (COP 25, IPPC projections 1.50C to 30C): Years 7 to 9

  5. The importance of pollinators: Years 3 & 4

  6. Sustainable living (talking about how we live on our planet and how we effect it): Years 5 to 6

  7. Sustainable fashion (Carbon impact, waste generation and sustainable consumption) Years 7 to 9

What is Stafford Green Arts Festival 'There Is No Planet B'?

There is no Planet B Stafford (TINPB), is a local Stafford-based group promoting care for the planet by providing school workshop materials and running the Green Arts Festival held in February half term each year.

Schools are invited to submit artwork (of any type), poetry or songs, which have a positive environmental theme, ideally based on the workshop themes, and will be displayed during Stafford Green Arts Festival 'There Is No Planet B'.

Winning entries are awarded with cash prizes which are presented during an Awards Ceremony on March 5th 2024 at St Chads Church.

The winners of the Eco Song competition will be invited to perform their song during the Green Arts Festival week and at the awards ceremony. Please ensure this is your own work and do not use any materials subject to copyright. The lyrics and an MP3 music file recording of your song should be sent to and we will contact you regarding the presentation media.

Schools that are interested in submitting their work should be able to display the work in St Chad’s church on Friday 9th February from 4pm and be able to remove it from the church on Saturday 17th February from 3pm. The spaces for the art displays are 6 foot and schools should advise if they would require a table for their presentation. All schools must have their own display boards to display their work.  Please let us know if you would like to take part as soon as possible, so that we can reserve you a space and set the floor plan.

If you do wish to take part in the 2024 competition, please can you let the TINPB team know by contacting


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